BJP on Monday (15th April 2024) approached the Election Commission alleging that TMC leaders including the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee are trying to intimidate voters ahead of the Lok Sabha polls. A party delegation comprising BJP leaders Tarun Chugh, Sudhanshu Trivedi and others, met the commission in New Delhi over the issue.
Talking to media after the meeting, Mr Chugh alleged that TMC is trying to vitiate the atmosphere in West Bengal. He said they have urged the poll body to ensure free and fair polls in the state. He also urged the poll body to take steps to ensure security of voters and an environment that is devoid of fear. The party also lodged a complaint against senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his remarks in which he accused the BJP of having a goal of one language, one leader. Sudhanshu Trivedi alleged that Mr. Gandhi is trying to divide the country on the basis of language.