BJP today took on Congress and other opposition parties for running away from debate in Parliament on Manipur issue. Briefing media in New Delhi, senior party leader and Union Minister Smriti Irani said, Union Home Minister Amit Shah today appealed to all members of the opposition in the Lok Sabha to initiate a discussion on the issue. She said, Mr Shah repeatedly said that in both houses of Parliament that he as the Home Minister would like to bring certain facts to light, but the opposition is running away from the discussion. She said, the Congress know that they will have to answer on crimes against women in their states. The Minister appealed the opposition parties to stop using crime against women as instruments to settle political scores. She said, the people of the country elect their representatives to Parliament with the responsibility to discuss serious issues as well as national issues. Ms Irani said, BJP wants to assure the nation that Government is ready for discussion on the matter in both Houses of Parliament.