The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced a massive Prize Money of 125 crore rupees for Team India after winning the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024. The announcement was made by BCCI secretary Jay Shah following India’s iconic victory at the Kensington Oval Saturday night. In a social media post, Mr Shah said, the team has showcased exceptional talent, determination, and sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Mr Shah also congratulated all the players, coaches, and support staff for this outstanding achievement.
Rohit Sharma-led Team India has created history by becoming the first team to ever win the T20 World Cup not having lost a single game throughout the the tournament. Jay Shah also released a media statement yesterday congratulating the ‘Men in Blue’ on a job well done. He said, under the exceptional leadership of Rohit Sharma, this team has shown remarkable resolve and resilience, becoming the first team in the history of the ICC T20 World Cup to win the tournament unbeaten.