Bangladesh to observe the Genocide Day today to mark the brutal killing of millions of Bangladeshis of the then East Pakistan on this day in 1971. The Pakistani army launched ‘Operation Searchlight’ on 25 March all over East Pakistan which culminated in untold miseries for the people of Bangladesh.
The day marks one of the darkest chapters in Bangladesh’s history, as unarmed Bangalis, including students, teachers, and police personnel, were massacred across the country, particularly in Dhaka, by the Pakistan army.
In a message on the eve of Genocide Day, Chief Adviser of the Interim Government of Bangladesh Dr Muhammad Yunus remembered the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country’s independence during the nine-month-long War of Liberation.
To mark the occasion, Commemoration and discussion meetings will be held at all educational institutions including schools, colleges, madrasas, and technical schools throughout the country, with participation from prominent personalities and heroic freedom fighters. Seminars focusing on the genocide and the Liberation War will take place at the Liberation War Museum, Dhaka providing a platform for in-depth discussions on the nation’s history.
Rare photographs and documentaries showcasing the genocide will be displayed in Dhaka and other city corporation areas to educate and raise awareness about this dark chapter in history.
Besides, Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Radio Betar will air various special programmes related to the genocide and the Liberation War. Special prayers will be offered in mosques and other places of worship remembering those who were killed on the night of March 25, 1971.