The Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) has extended the heat alert for three more days from Monday. Meteorologist Md Bazlur Rahman said the prevailing extreme heatwave may linger in Bangladesh for the next 72-hour starting from Monday (April 22). Earlier on April 19, the Met Office issued the first three-day heatwave alert.
Bangladesh’s highest temperature was recorded at 42.2 degrees Celsius in Chuadanga on Sunday while the season’s highest temperature in the capital Dhaka was recorded at 40.4 degrees Celsius on Saturday, said meteorologist.
Over 42 degrees Celsius temperature is considered as a very severe heat wave while between 40-41.9 degrees Celsius is considered as severe and 38 to 39.9 degrees Celsius is considered as moderate heat wave while 36 to 37.9 degrees Celsius is considered as mild heat wave in the country, according to the BMD.