Director General of Department of Disaster Management Mizanur Rahman said alongside evacuation of the people, domestic animals have been taken to designated cyclone shelters. He said, “A total of 8,464 cyclone shelters, including Mujib Kella, have been kept ready to provide refuge to the people living in 19 coastal districts,which might be affected by the cyclone Remal”.
No classes will be held at schools in the coastal areas due to Cyclone Remal, said Rahman.
“We have also kept 1,185 medical teams ready to offer urgent healthcare support to the people as cyclone Rimal may hit the coastal belts of Bangladesh with massive strengthening,” Rahman said.
Leave of officials of all ministries, divisions and subordinate offices have been cancelled to tackle the possible aftermath of Cyclone Remal.
It added some 8,600 Red Crescent volunteers and others joined a campaign asking people at risk to move to safety alongside the government officials while the district administration mobilized transport to carry them to the
cyclone shelters.
The coastal districts of Khulna, Satkhira, Bagherhat, Pirojpur, Jhalokhati, Borguna, Barishal, Bhola, Patuakhali and their offshore islands and chars will come under great danger signal no 10.
The coastal district of Chattogram, Cox’s Bazar, Feni, Noakhali, Laxmipur, Chandpur and their offshore islands and chars will come under great danger signal no nine.