In Bihar, the Bharat Bandh called by Reservation Bachao Sangharsh Samiti evoked mixed response, as clashes were witnessed at various places between protesters and police personnel. Leaders of Left Parties and other organizations supported the Bandh, which was called in protest to the Supreme Court’s recent decision on sub categorization of SC and ST reservations.
Our correspondent reports that Bandh supporters staged protests on railway tracks at Sitamarhi, Purnea, Muzaffarpur, Samastipur Hajipur, Darbhanga, Muzaffarpur, Jehanabad and several other stations halting the operations of train services. Commuters and examinees of constable recruitment examination were most affected due to reduced frequency of vehicles and means of public transport on the roads. In Patna the protest turned violent when some of the agitators clashed with police personnel at Dak Bunglow area. Police resorted to lathi charge to disperse the Bandh supporters.
Private schools remained closed in view of Bandh in the state. Government schools, educational institutions, banks and other establishments remained open as usual.