Balasore Lok Sabha constituency in Odisha is all set to once again witness a triangular contest as three major political parties, the state’s ruling BJD, the opposition BJP and Congress have fielded potential candidates in the fray. The BJP has fielded former Union Minister and sitting MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi, while former Union Minister Srikant Kumar Jena is vying for the honour on a Congress ticket.
The BJD has landed BJP turncoat Lekhashree Samantasinghar. The high-profile constituency is going through a high voltage campaign by star campaigners of all the major parties and voting will be held on the last phase of general elections, 1st of June.
Akashvani Correspondent reports that Balasore is one of the 21 Lok Sabha constituencies in Odisha. The constituency comprises seven Assembly segments including Badasahi, Jaleswar, Bhograi, Basta, Balasore, Remuna an Nilgiri. The constituency is a general seat. Balasore Lok Sabha seat is set to witness yet another three-way contest, with three prominent political parties putting forth their potential candidates. Former Union Minister and incumbent MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi has been nominated by the BJP, while former Union Minister Srikant Kumar Jena will be representing the Congress party. Lekhashree Samantasinghar, who was previously associated with the BJP, has been chosen by the ruling BJD.
Balasore has a history of intriguing electoral outcomes, as voters have not shown permanent allegiance to any specific party or candidate. In the 2009 elections, despite receiving only 35.17 per cent of the votes, Srikant Jena emerged victorious as the Congress candidate. In the 2014 election, the BJD nominee secured 41.33 per cent of the votes and won by a margin of 1 lakh 41 thousand votes, defeating the BJP candidate. However, in the 2019 election, the BJP vote share increased significantly from 27.81 per cent to 41.79 per cent, surpassing the BJD due to internal divisions within the regional party. This time, Pratap Sarangi, the incumbent BJP MP, expresses confidence in the positive efforts of the BJP-led NDA government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special focus on the development of Odisha. On the other hand, Srikant Jena believes that the developmental work he carried out in Balasore during his previous tenure will contribute to his victory. BJD candidate Lekhashree Samantasinghar highlights Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s impeccable reputation and comprehensive development agenda.
As the election campaign is at its peak, Lekhashree Samantsinghar has emerged as a prominent face of the BJD, representing the party in debates and public appearances. Pratap Sarangi has been touring the constituency and adopting a multifaceted strategy that emphasizes development initiatives. He is also attempting to capitalize on any potential dissatisfaction or disillusionment among BJD supporters vis-à-vis Lakhashree’s switch of loyalty. Srikanta Jena’s political background includes serving as a Member of Parliament for the Congress party in Odisha, as well as holding various positions within the party at the state and national level. This experience could potentially attract long-time Congress supporters who are familiar with his work and leadership style. Additionally, his presence in the political arena could help to divide the opposition to the ruling BJP, as he may be able to garner support from other parties or factions within the opposition.