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Azerbaijan's defence ministry begins “anti-terrorist” operations in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan's defence ministry has said that it has begun "anti-terrorist" operations in its breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh under Armenian control. The ministry said that the offensive would only target military structures.
Local media reported that explosions were heard in the region’s de facto capital, known as Stepanakert to Armenians and Khankendi in Azerbaijani. Air raid sirens have also been reported in Karabakh's main city.
The announcement of offensive came a few hours after, six people died in two different accidents in Azerbaijan’s Khojavend district allegedly due to landmines installed by Armenia’s security forces.

On the other hand, Armenia's defence ministry said the claims of Armenian fire did not correspond with reality.
Armenia’s foreign ministry called on Russian peacekeeping troops in the region to intervene.
Meanwhile, in a statement, Russia urged both countries to respect a ceasefire signed after the war in 2020.
The EU's regional special representative Toivo Klaar said, there was urgent need for an immediate ceasefire.
Tensions have been high for months surrounding the ethnic Armenian enclave, recognized internationally as part of Azerbaijan.