Aam Aadmi Party convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal surrendered at Tihar jail in Delhi on Sunday after the end of his interim bail in the alleged excise duty scam. Before his surrender, Mr. Kejriwal interacted with party leaders and workers, and addressed the people. Chief Minister Kejriwal rejected the exit polls presented by the media and claimed victory in the Lok Sabha election for the I.N.D.I.A. bloc. He also directed AAP and its allies to remain vigilant on the upcoming counting day which will be held on the 4th of this month. He said that each counting agent must be present at their counting station until the final vote is tallied.
Meanwhile, the BJP today protested in front of Rajghat against Chief Minister Kejriwal in the alleged excise duty scam, who were later arrested by the police. Speaking to the media, Delhi BJP President, Virendra Sachdeva alleged that Mr Kejriwal had turned his surrender into a political rally. He said that during the 20 days of his bail, Mr Kejriwal did nothing to solve the water and electricity crisis in Delhi.