In Arunachal Pradesh, the first batch of polling team was airlifted with polling materials to four interior and remote polling booths yesterday. These polling booths are in Pip-sorang Circle under Tali Assembly constituency in Kra Daadi district. This was informed by Toko Babu, OSD to Arunachal Pradesh Chief Electoral Officer in a press briefing last evening.
He said, the team will be stationed at Tali and from there they will undertake foot march to reach the four respective polling booths.
Mr. Babu said that for the remaining polling stations, where foot march will be required, the polling teams will leave on April 17 for their respective polling stations from district headquarters.
He also informed that in the state, 33 poll-related incidents of violence have been reported so far and cases are registered at the respective police stations. He added that one person have lost his life in poll-related violence in West Kameng District.
Arunachal Pradesh is going for simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly polls in a single phase on April 19.