The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Andhra Pradesh state police headed by Inspector General Vineet Brij Lal submitted its report to Director General of Police Harish Gupta today. The SIT was formed after procedural lapses were identified in cases registered with regard to the violence on polling day that was reported from Palnadu, Ananthapuramu and Tirupati districts.
According to a media release from DGP’s office, the SIT members were sent to those districts to re-examine the cases. Police officials camped at the concerned districts and reviewed the cases along with evidence. A total of 33 cases have been identified in the districts which included 1370 accused persons associated with the post-poll violence, said the police. Of those, 124 have been arrested and another 94 people have been issued notices under the CrPC.
The ruling YSR Congress Party and the main opposition Telugu Desam Party blamed each other for the incidents. The ECI had summoned the DGP after news of the violence in Andhra broke out. The report by the Andhra Pradesh police will be forwarded to the Election Commission of India.