Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu visited the Polavaram project construction site on Monday, marking his first visit since assuming office as the Chief Minister. Mr. Naidu inspected the project and reviewed the progress of ongoing works. He conducted an aerial survey of the site, including the spillway. The CM sought updates on the construction of the spillway, coffer dam, diaphragm wall, and other components from Water Resources officials.
Later, speaking to the media, Mr. Chandrababu Naidu said there were four damaged areas on the diaphragm wall. Repairing these portions by constructing D-walls alone would cost 447 crore rupees, he added. He said that a new diaphragm wall, on the other hand, would cost 990 crore rupees.
The chief minister said about 70% of the project was completed during the TDP government between 2014 and 2019. The YSRCP government not only failed to complete the remaining work but also pushed the project into limbo. Had the works not been suspended for over a year on account of reverse tendering, change of contactor, etc, the Polavaram project would have been completed by now, he observed.