All preparations are in place for the first phase of voting on 12 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan. Under the first phase, voting will be held tomorrow in Ganganagar, Bikaner, Churu, Jhunjhunu, Sikar, Jaipur, Jaipur Rural, Alwar, Bharatpur, Karauli-Dholpur, Dausa and Nagaur constituencies.
Chief Electoral Officer of the state, Praveen Gupta said that all preparations have been completed for free and fair voting. inter-state borders have been sealed. A total of 114 candidates, including 12 women, are in the fray in the first phase. The number of registered voters in this phase is more than 2 crore 54 lakh. These include 1 crore 33 lakh men, more than 1 crore 20 lakh women and 304 transgenders. 23 thousand 651 polling stations and 719 auxiliary polling stations have been set up for the first phase of voting. In this phase, the maximum number of 22 lakh 88 thousand voters are in Jaipur Lok Sabha constituency while the minimum number of 19 lakh 3 thousand voters are in Dausa Lok Sabha constituency.