Akashvani will broadcast live commentary of the ongoing ICC T20 Cricket World 2024 Cup being held in the US and West Indies. The broadcast will cover all India matches as well as the knockout round, Semi-finals and the final. Apart from live commentary, it will also broadcast special interactive bilingual programmes before the start of the match, during the innings break and after the end of the match.
DD Sports is also going to telecast all India matches, semi finals and the final. In New Delhi today, Information and Broadcasting Secretary, Sanjay Jaju and Prasar Bharati Chairman Naveet Kumar Sehgal launched the promo of the special programme to be telecast during the ICC T20 Cricket World Cup 2024. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Jaju said India’s broadcasting sector is diverse and vibrant. He said, Doordarshan’s Free Dish network has reached five crore households with 300 Free of Cost channels. These channels are providing content related to news, sports, education and entertainment.
The Prasar Bharti Chairman Navneet Kumar Sah said, they aim to take sports of national and international prominence to the remote corners of the country through DD’s Free Dish.