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August 28, 2023 1:37 PM | Akashvani


Akashvani organises event related to Know India Programme under the aegis of Ministry of External Affairs

Akashvani organised an event related to Know India Programme under the aegis of Ministry of External Affairs today in New Delhi. Around 55 students of Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) participated in the programme.

Know India Programme (KIP) is a flagship initiative of the Ministry of External Affairs for diaspora engagement, which familiarizes Indian-origin youth with their Indian roots. The aim of the programme to promote awareness on different facets of life in India and the progress made by the country in various fields.
Speaking at the event, Chandranie Sukhdeo, student from Guyana said that the government of India has given  a wonderful opportunity to see the country of her ancestors. She added it is a great initiative, which provides her a chance to visit all the historical places in the country.  

Another student from Suriname Shivani Jhagroe told Akashwani news, that, India is like a home to her and through this visit, she gets the opportunity to know more about India. During the event, a quiz session has also been organised on G20 and Indian history. The students enthusiastically took part in it. It is 67th editions of this programme conducted by the  Ministry of External Affaris, will be concluded on Friday.