Trinamool Congress leader Abhishek Banerjee said if BJP comes to power the people of West Bengal can not eat according to their wishes. BJP will stop Laxmi Vandar scheme. Under Laxmi Vandar scheme general women get 1000 rupees and SC/ ST women get 1200 rupees in their account in the state. Abhishek has told that BJP is duping common people of West Bengal. He was addressing a public meeting in support of party’ s Loksabha candidate from Coochbehar today. Abhishek said if Trinamool Congress comes to power price of cooking gas will be reduced. He said BJP does not know the culture of West Bengal. He assured that people of West Bengal who have not received Awas Yojana fund will be given the fund by 31st December.
News On AIR | April 16, 2024 6:43 PM