A week after a devastating flood in the Libyan city of Derna, the focus turned to caring for survivors of the disaster on 17 September 2023. Aid is now arriving in the North African country as the world mobilises to help emergency services cope with the aftermath of the deadly flood. The most recent official death toll is that 3,166 people were killed. But estimates of the true number of lives lost vary widely, with the World Health Organisation saying the bodies of 3,958 people have already been recovered.
Around 9,000 people are still missing after what the WHO's Libya representative Ahmed Zouiten called "a disaster of epic proportions". Two dams upstream from Derna burst a week ago under the pressure of torrential rains from the hurricane-strength Storm Daniel.
International aid is arriving from the United Nations, Europe, and the Middle East, offering some relief to the thousands of survivors.
The aid includes essential medicines and emergency surgical supplies, as well as body bags to allow corpses to be moved. Tents, blankets, carpets, hygiene kits and food have been flown in, along with heavy machinery to help clear the debris.