Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Friday (15th March 2024) inaugurated Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s Aspirational Women Empowerment scheme worth Rs 60 crores to encourage self-employment among women.
Under this scheme, BMC will offer Rs 1 lakh as financial assistance to each Self Help Group (SHG) for repaying loans taken under different government schemes. The beneficiaries who have borrowed Rs 10,000 and 20,000 under MUDRA or SvaNidhi scheme will receive Rs 2,000 and Rs 4,000, respectively, as financial aid. Today, 70,000 women benefited from this scheme.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that women are the backbone of families and should be economically empowered. Mr. Shinde stated that BMC is the country’s first municipal corporation to offer Rs 1 lakh assistance to SHGs.