In Uttarakhand, nine trekkers from Karnataka died near the Sahastra Tal in Uttarakhand. Nine trekkers, part of a 22-member group, died after losing their way due to bad weather while on their way back from Sahastra Tal on Tuesday.
13 trekkers have been rescued by a joint air-ground search and rescue operation by IAF, NDRF and SDRF. The Sahastra Tal trek is a high-altitude trail at 15,000 feet in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand.
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that he is pained to learn that nine trekkers from the state have died after being caught in bad weather near the Sahastra Tal.
He also directed Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda, who has reached Dehradun, to ensure the safe return of all the rescued trekkers to Karnataka. He added that the government is taking all possible measures and working beyond capacity to bring back the trekkers.