In Bangladesh, a Dhaka court on Monday sent 388 Ansar personnel to jail in four cases over the clashes between Ansar personnel and students on Sunday night in front of the central secretariat in Dhaka for laying siege and ransacking the secretariat and launching an attack on students. A total of 437 named and 11,100 unnamed people were made accused in four cases, according to police.
Earlier on Sunday night, more than 40 people were injured when the clashes broke out between students and protesting Ansar personnel. Moreover, at least six army personnel were injured and one of them still in critical condition, according to Inter-Services Public Relations office’s press release issued on Monday.
The clash started after 9 pm, following reports that key figures from the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement are under siege at the Secretariat. As the news spread, students from several halls of Dhaka University gathered and marched towards the Secretariat area, demanding the release of the coordinators.