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3 new lakes likely to be formed in Ladakh due to glacial retreat

Three new lakes are likely to be formed in Ladakh due to glacial retreat. The Ministry of Science and Technology in a statement said today, a new study shows that due to subglacial over-deepening in Parkachik Glacier in Ladakh, a characteristic of basins and valleys eroded that may form three lakes of different dimensions.
The Ministry said that scientists from the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology carried out a study that described the morphological and dynamic changes of Parkachik Glacier. The team of Scientists led by Dr. Manish Mehta used medium-resolution satellite images and field surveys between 2015 and 2021.

It said, both the field and satellite-based observations have indicated that the calving nature of the glacier margin and the development of a proglacial lake may have enhanced the retreat of the Parckachik Glacier. The Ministry further added that the simulation results suggest that if the glacier continues to retreat at a similar rate, three lakes of different dimensions may form due to subglacial over-deepening.